Sunday, October 15, 2017


I don't wanna brag or nothing...I also don't wanna jinx it...but my straddle feels pretty much "there." I'm not really jumping or kicking anymore. I just sort of fold back. I mean, everything could always be polished up a bit. But I don't think it's really DIB-level anymore.

Too bad none of my other inversions are making much of any progress. There's no way I'm going to be intermediate ready by February, my lyra-versary. I almost did ball the other night with my pullup bar at home but didn't want to risk going fully upside down. Except when I try ball on the hoop, nope. Not even close.

Here's my warm up sequence. It's exhausting. But does the job. I run through it twice. And by then, I'm sweating.

I went through this lovely sequence once with my camera, that died in the middle. It still had "time" left on the battery but just decided to shut itself off. Rude. So I rested up a bit and ran through it again with my phone video. Can tell I'm tired, but it's a pretty sequence.

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