Wednesday, November 6, 2013

back on the ice

Geez. I haven't been skating since Oct 14. 3+ weeks. Yikes. First, I wasn't feeling well that week. Skating and sweating in a cold rink is not the best idea when you're under the weather. Then time just got away from me. The new rink I skate at is a 50 min drive, and it's dreadful. I let my dread of the drive keep me from skating. I need to get me some books on CD to make that drive more pleasant.

I went skating today. Decent session considering how long I've been off ice. I did a couple scratch spins. Perfectly centered, mostly. Not much toe pick scraping. yay!

My back scratch was not happening. My outside alternating 3's need work still. I struggle with that back inside edge control. But my back 3's were superb. I'm getting a lot better at holding the forward edge.

Then I worked on the Dutch Waltz and Canasta Tango. There's a dance camp weekend next June that I want to prep for. It's good to have goals. I don't want to be such a dance newbie when I go. Definitely need to call up the dance coach for some private lessons soon.