Friday, June 26, 2020


I just found out my studio is discontinuing hammock classes. I'm devastated. I waited over a year to be eligible. I finally got to take 3 classes before the pandemic/studio closed. And now, they're not bringing them back.

BUT! All hope is not lost. I have a hammock at home. And I trust my body to know if a move or transition is going to work. It may take longer, reviewing videos I find online, figuring out which leg, which arm goes where. I practiced this sequence from moves I found online. It's awkward and clunky. But I don't care. I'm training hammock, baby!

Friday, June 19, 2020


Just having so much fun with my lyra at home. I've been working on my favorite moves but with spinning. I'm comfortable spinning. But the force makes me question my strength and grip, so I'm easing myself into it.

This is just a badass move. Bootylicious!

Monday, June 1, 2020


Pullover success! With minimal jumping. This was the 4th one I did today; I was afraid once the camera started rolling, I wouldn't be able to do it. But yayness!