Thursday, October 8, 2020

Dance Trapeze

Tried a new thing. Dance trapeze. It felt a bit like if lyra and hammock had a baby. I love anything that spins!

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Wow, so close! So, so close...

And then a pretty picture...

Monday, September 14, 2020

No Hands

My new superpower...

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hammock Private

It's been awhile since I posted something, but that doesn't mean I haven't been practicing. I've just been too lazy to transfer videos from my laptop to my PC. I've been doing a shitton of lyra and a smattering of hammock. But recently, gyms have opened, which means my aerial studio can open. Sad news that hammock classes weren't returning. But I signed up for private track, so I can have private lessons. I like private lessons better than classes anyway.

We worked on this sequence today. I think I look lovely. More importantly, it was so much fun. I may be one of the worst aerialists in the world, but I thoroughly enjoy moving my body through this apparatus. hashtag softlyra

Friday, June 26, 2020


I just found out my studio is discontinuing hammock classes. I'm devastated. I waited over a year to be eligible. I finally got to take 3 classes before the pandemic/studio closed. And now, they're not bringing them back.

BUT! All hope is not lost. I have a hammock at home. And I trust my body to know if a move or transition is going to work. It may take longer, reviewing videos I find online, figuring out which leg, which arm goes where. I practiced this sequence from moves I found online. It's awkward and clunky. But I don't care. I'm training hammock, baby!

Friday, June 19, 2020


Just having so much fun with my lyra at home. I've been working on my favorite moves but with spinning. I'm comfortable spinning. But the force makes me question my strength and grip, so I'm easing myself into it.

This is just a badass move. Bootylicious!

Monday, June 1, 2020


Pullover success! With minimal jumping. This was the 4th one I did today; I was afraid once the camera started rolling, I wouldn't be able to do it. But yayness!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Quarantine Training

More fun with home training. And I figured out how to take better videos. Well, slightly better...

Friday, May 15, 2020

Chest Stand

Not really a chest stand. My chest isn't helping, at all. This is all grip. And I can only hold it for about 2-3 seconds. But it looks super cool!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Straddles & Shapes

My straddles have improved. I've started exhaling as I lift my legs. I'm jumping like almost not at all. I can't stack, may never be able to stack, but I'm getting better.

And shapes!

Saturday, April 18, 2020


Oh, I got a silks, too...

Friday, April 17, 2020

Home Rig

Mark this day in history, y'all. My new house is done. My rig is mounted. I had oh, so much fun today. But due to being grounded for a freaking month, my strength was nowhere near what it used to be. I can't wait until my studio re-opens. But until then, at least I can now practice at home.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Single Tab

I like a double tab lyra. I feel uncomfortable on a single tab. But I'm trying. Each time I learn a move, I think about how scary it might be on single tab. If not too scary, I try it. So that move I posted a video of before, from man in the moon, I tried the other day on single tab. And I heard my teacher say, I see you using the single tab, and I'm so proud of you.

Wow. Yea, it doesn't take much. I appreciated that so much.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Unit 4

Lyra Intermediate 1 has a new unit, full of dynamic movement and momentum and a little bit of spinning. Never enough spinning. Not a lot of poses to take pictures of, more video of transitions and motion. But flag is always fun. And this little transition from man in the moon was super fun. I'm bruised on the backs of my arms somehow from this same move on Sunday, so I brought a shirt last night for protection. The fabric got a little in the way when I tried to drop, so it's not as quick as I was hoping. But still fun!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Post Holiday Blues

Yea, I know, I haven't been posting. I'm still frustrated with my lack of progress. I'm still sad during class when I see students thinner than me, stronger than me, less sweatier than me.

And my studio was closed for 9 days over the holidays. 9 days! Their first day back (it was a Thursday), I did double classes, then another class on Friday. That...might not have been the wisest choice. Sunday was one of the worst aerial days I've ever had, and it could be somewhat related to being hella sore.

But before the holidays, I was feeling good. I did double classes on Sunday and Monday. Despite being so bruised and unable to do certain moves, I was pleased with my stamina for that many classes.