And guess what? Another "private" lesson. I was the only student. Last week, the rain kept people away. I guess last night, the cold did? I was hanging in there pretty well. We moved onto actual hip keys vs manual. Manual had gotten "easy" so time to try a real one. You pull up on the silks with them on the outside of one thigh. You sort of kick back with the other leg to scoop the fabric up over that leg, then shoot down with the original leg to secure the fabric. Then lean away from the leg that did the scooping, while keeping it tucked, and cinch it between your thighs so you stay put. It felt so close. I tried several. I would almost get into position, hold for a beat, but then slide down the silks. No big deal. I'm sure I'll get this with more practice.
Ball flows, which are ball into pencil and for my first time, into pike. Straddle mount practice. Then climbs. I did one to the top. I tried again and nope. Again and nope. My arms were spent. We reviewed the flippy move I learned last class, and I just could not lift myself up.
So we moved onto learning foot lock in the air. To practice this, I sat on the mats. Then I tried it in the air and again, close but not quite. I was hanging for a bit, struggling to execute but couldn't get the silks wrapped over my foot using only my other foot. At least I was hanging for the time required. Once I get the execution, I should have this.
Final bit for class, a move using single foot lock. By single or double foot locks, I mean one or both silks, wrapped around one foot. Thus far, I'd only learned moves using a double foot lock (both silks as "one" wrapped around my foot.) Last night, I learned a pose using one of the silks wrapped around my foot, with the other silk free.
Here it is. I think she said it was called supported bridge. I'm really struggling to remember the names of any of these moves. It's probably the first move I'm kinda proud of.