Tuesday, September 5, 2017


They say not to put deadlines on goals. But I'm gonna anyway. I had set a goal for myself early last year. That by the time I turned 40, I would reach goal. I wanted to look and feel the best ever.

I didn't reach my goal. I haven't lost anything in a year. And it's frustrating as hell.

I'm 40 now. I'm going to set some long-term goals. My goal is to accomplish these by Feb 2018. Why Feb? It'll be my lyra-versary.
  • Goal weight. 169.
  • Promote to lyra intermediate.
  • Hoop every damn day!
I also have quite a few bucket list goals. But I get overwhelmed and then don't work on any of it. So my plan is to prioritize and focus. Once one goal is checked off, I can work on the next. Some of these I can do a little bit each day, like 1-4. Or that's my goal...
  1. Toes to bar. I can practice this at home with my pullup bar.
  2. Pullup. Just one. I'll need to hold that shoulder lock off position for a few beats. 
  3. Splits. Or at least, drastically increase flexibility. 
  4. Shoot the duck. I'll need to first train narrow-stance ass-to-grass squats. Then pistol squats.
  5. Lifting routine 2-3x/week, whether with dumbbells or a power cage; at my age, I need to strength train. But it's not currently my focus.
  6. Squat bodyweight/bench 100lbs...this will need to wait until I have a proper power cage.
A friend of mine sets monthly goals for herself. I think this is a great idea. I feel inspired. Here are mine for September...
  • 13 lyra sessions. Mon/Thu/Sat 
  • Dial in diet. Weigh myself at the end of Sep. Measurements, too.
  • No drinking the adult beverages. Stay focused on what I want most vs what I want now!
  • Walking. I need to up my NEAT. 4x/week. 
  • Hooping. 2x/week. Sun/Wed
  • Social Media break. I need to clear my head and heart of things that might upset me.
I'll check in at the end of September, see how I did.

One final note. I keep daydreaming about performing. I know deep down this will never happen. I'd be too nervous. So this needs to stop popping up in my brain each time I set goals. I need to go ahead and remove it from my bucket list...

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