Thursday, September 14, 2017


An unfortunate similarity between derby and lyra. With derby, I had assessments. Dreaded minimum skills. Prevented me from bouting until I could pass those fuckers. With lyra, I have inversions. They're keeping me from taking intermediate classes. I miss classes sometimes. Fundamentals is a mixed level class, so I slipped into comparing myself to others, and always came up short. So short. Even like brand new students seemed better at it than I was, after months of classes. This private track program, with my solo practice time, and learning some intermediate moves during my private lessons, has been amazing. It's what has kept me here. I would have left ages ago if my only options were fundamentals classes, with only fundamentals moves.

But intermediate classes, we all work on the same moves, that layer upon each move, week by week. I think I would enjoy that more. Sure there might be some students who pick something up quicker than I. But we're all working on the same stuff. And socializing. I miss it. It's lonely sometimes at practice time. I'm lonely, period. I don't have anyone to talk to, except hubs. But he's not a girl. I miss girls.

Inversions are like my assessments. And it sucks.

I had my private lesson today. Learned a new pose by request, a pose actually not in my teacher's list of studio skills, she told me. But I lack the full flexibility in my hamstrings to really get into position. Homework.

More homework with straddle. I'm not allowed to cinch anymore. Basically, I'm to work on half straddles, getting into straddle, but not mounting. I am cinching too quickly. I don't think my teacher realizes how heavy my backside is. She believes I'm strong enough to push further into the straddle and stay there a few beats longer before cinching my knees. I disagree. I know how heavy my body is, and it basically falls into knee cinch. But ok, homework. When I work on straddle, I won't allow myself to cinch my knees.

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