Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Sad News

Saddest news ever! They're closing the satellite studio. I is sad panda. Everything will be uptown. Traffic, distance, big open space, lack of decent practice times. There's lots to like about uptown but also lots to dislike. I'll need to wait and see how the practice schedule lays out. Right now, there aren't a whole lot of evening times. And by evening, I mean after 7pm. That 5:45pm time they all like so much? Forget trying to drive into uptown at that time. Ain't happening.

Here are some videos of my mini sequences. It's a neat way to practice a bunch of moves at once while also working on stamina.
straddle, angel, dragonfly, reverse lion, transition to hip hang, front balance, transition to open delilah, release to single knee cinch, loud thudded dismount. oy.
profile straddle, arrow, pike arrow, tofu hook (awkward, needs work), vine climb rollover
straddle, gazelle, leg block, hip hang, transition to open delilah, pike, bird's nest, ankle hang, straddle dismount
Here's an attempt at momentum to ball with my grip outside the tabs.
It's supposedly harder there but easier at the same time. More room to fit through but a wider grip requires more lat engagement. It went well. I need to practice ball dismount to seated that way. I have tried before. I can't hold the lockoff, so my butt never makes it back to seated.
Followed by arch back, from my private lesson last week. This LOOKS easy to do. It's crazy hard. This is actually an improvement, ever so slight, over last week, but I cannot push the hoop out fully.

Ended session with some variations on front balance.

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