Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Yay, my period ended. Strength has returned. Last night, I was able to do three climbs each side, three climbs up the silk. Of course, my final round, those climbs were teeny tiny. But they count. Far cry from last week, when my strength was zapped by hormones.

I also learned russian climb. I had heard rumors that if one were to learn russian climb first, one would never bother learning basic climb (sometimes referred to as american climb). I can confirm this is true. Russian climb is so much simpler and easier.

Also, I worked on ball flows (ball tuck, pencil, pike) with single wrist wrap. Gripping a single silk in your hand requires the tightest of grips. It's difficult. So when you're progressing with ball, you start with a double wrist wrap. It helps. My teacher suggested I try single wrist wrap. It was intense, but I could do it. Then my fingers were immediately sore. Eventually the goal is no wrist wrap.

There were three students in class. And I was the most advanced. There was a first-time student. And a second-time student. The second-time student is way stronger than I am already. So she'll breeze by me quickly. I hope the first-time student comes back. Silks is hard. But your first time ever, if you're not already like super strong? Hard doesn't even begin to describe it. If I had started with silks, I would probably have been so discouraged, I would have written off aerials forever. I started with lyra, which is more forgiving to true beginners, I think. I love lyra. All this silks work, which is hella fun after all, is really to help my lyra game. I belong inside the circle.

Hipkeys are coming along nicely. I was even able to do a decent one on my bad side, final attempt. I sort of said, this is my bad side, attempted it, and it went well. My teacher was like, that doesn't look like your bad side. Here's a video of my good side. And my teacher praise. I love praise. The teachers at this studio are excellent at making students feel good about their existing abilities.

And then more progression in single foot lock. I'm not bothering to upload the video I have. It was a hot mess. But I got into position. It's just the getting into, and out of, position was quite messy. End of class fatigue is a thing, yo.

This is called flamingo arabesque. I think. I'm terrible with remembering names of silks moves. Not sure why.

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