Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Yay, vacation! Yay, lyra! I can't think of anything funner to do on my day off than go to lyra. I also got to see a couple of my favorite people. My lyra teacher giving a private lesson to my former lyra teacher. She had a baby and has not returned to teaching. But she is on private track, like me, getting her lyra on. They're both lovely human beings.

Here are some highlights of the day! I'm sore already...I'm always sore. I'm having a bit of lunch and a beer, because yay, beer! Then I'll get started on all the fixings for tomorrow. I'm baking two cookie doughs, that way they'll be ready to bake tomorrow. Cornbread for the stuffing, so it can dry out overnight. It's not the holidays without this stuffing. I suppose one might call it dressing, since we're not actually stuffing the bird with it. But I call it stuffing. Oh, and I'm making a cream cheese pecan dip to munch on during the day tomorrow. It's a sweet and savory type dip, with brown sugar and worcestershire sauce. It's heaven. But it absolutely needs to rest overnight. The flavors get very happy.

This is angel, with a lower grip. I'm working on getting lower and lower. It's stupid hard the lower you go.

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