Friday, June 9, 2017

Small Gains

This blog is where I sort out the good, the bad, and the ugly. Today is ugly. If you've ever regretted a workout, you'll know what I mean. And yes, it's possible to regret a workout.

I suppose I should focus on small gains. I've been lately trying to stretch straddle by laying on my back and pulling my legs in a V. They don't fold very far, of course. But I'm trying. Last night while stretching, I did my straddle stretch and without thinking, grabbed the arches of my feet and pulled my legs straight. I've never been able to reach my feet before.

Yet another thing to be pleased with, I guess. At my private lesson this week, she wanted me to practice front balance. I'm hanging forward by my hips, folded over, and I raise up both upper body and lower body at the same time, until I'm just balancing on my pelvis, parallel to the floor. Usually I do this with my hands sort of holding on a little. But I've been practicing on my own doing it without hands. I can almost get there but not quite. Anyway, when my teacher saw it, she nearly flipped out. She said, there are students in my intermediate class who can't do it. And you're nearly there. So then I worked on it last night, and it got a smidge better. I got there and held it a hot second before I had to grab hold.

I spent the majority of practice on straddle and ball mount. Zero improvement. I just don't get it. And yes, I'm quite impatient and easily discouraged.

I did work a bit on arrow, variations in leg position, and bent. My back doesn't arch very well. I've seen people get into bent arrow more as a "U" upside down. Mine just looks sad. I just have a very straight back that doesn't curl back in any kind of arch.

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