Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Had my second beginner class of Lyra last night. (well, I guess technically third, the first class was that mini half hour free open house class)

We worked on man in the moon again and also star. Then we learned mermaid and perch, but perch was one I had worked on in that mini class.

Mermaid was TOUGH. I was trying to angle to the right, holding on with my left hand, and I was just unable to get around, over that tendon or whatever in your outer thigh that HURTS if you try to rest on it. Teacher warned us to roll over quickly or it would hurt. And it did, but I couldn't quite get all the way over, so it would just hurt, and I'd have to come out of it. It was a little upsetting at first, feeling like a failure. Then I tried the other side, thinking, everyone has a good side and a bad side. I was able to better get into position the other way. It still kind of hurt, but then I got more on my quad, and I was OK. I still feel like this skill needs work, don't they all? I need to be more on my belly almost.

I asked about taking a second class per week, signing up for fundamentals. This beginner class is one hour and only lasts 8 weeks. The fundamentals class is simply ongoing and is 90 minutes. She basically said, sure I could, there might be some overlap of skills, if I don't mind that. I dunno. I'm weird. I wasn't getting a vibe from her saying, SURE you're absolutely ready, do it! Maybe I just expect too much from people.

Anyway, here I am. I did better to remember to keep my leg straight and engaged in star.

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