aspirations, inspirations, perspirations too
of a particularly moody hooper, aerialist, derby girl, figure skater
Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas! What did Santa bring me? A sprained ankle. On Saturday, I went with friends to a river trail, and I must've been talking, not paying attention, got too close to the edge of the paved trail, which is quite a step down into a steep hill of bush. I rolled my ankle out and fell on my bum. Online self-diagnosis, it's just a grade 1 sprain. It was goose-egg swollen for about a day, now it's just generally puffy in my ankle area. But tight, which makes walking difficult without a limp. I've been icing and taking ibuprofen and wrapping it and trying to elevate as much as I can. And staying off it. I'm pretty miserable. No skating, no hooping (the weather was gorgeous yesterday, and it went to waste), and not even my incline walks on the treadmill to burn some calories. Until it heals. I guess this week, I'll need to watch what I eat a bit closer than planned. Boo.
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