Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Freestyle

I just love skating. Even when I'm not very good at something. Like everything, with practice, I'll get better. I love seeing small improvements. I love gliding and turning and finding it easier and easier to control my edges. What I don't love is how much I sweat. I swear, I'm the only skater ever at my rink to be sweating. It's embarrassing. But my gloves work well as handy sweat towels. And yet, I have to keep a sweat towel on the boards. And I wear my hair in low pig tails because it gives the sweat somewhere to go instead of sitting on the back of my neck.

I think even steam rises from my head sometimes. I can kind of see it when I roll my eyes upward. I'm just a hot mess on the ice. Thankfully, my skating isn't such a hot mess.

I drove through torrential downpour to get to the rink today. Got soaked just running to the door from the car. It's summer so the later morning freestyles are much more crowded than usual. I can't wait until the kids go back to school.

I warmed up with my usual power stroking into backward crossovers to backward outside edges. My alternating 3's are getting better. I swear these felt impossible when I first tried them a couple months ago. Power 3's, waltz eight, and the mohawk patterns, 5 & 8 step. My scratch spin is much improved. Coach started teaching me edge pulls last time, and they were comical. But today, I could do several in a row, albeit slowly. Worked on progressives/chasses and back 3's and brackets. Then finished up working on my spread eagle. I can do a nice one from a forward entrance, but I'm working on being able to do this from back crossovers. It needs work, but I'll get there. 

And it was too crowded to feel comfortable setting up my camera. Maybe next time. Sunday, perhaps.

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