My rink doesn't offer a robust freestyle schedule. There's not much money for them in figure skating. Hockey keeps my rink open, so I shouldn't complain too much. However, the slightest wrinkle in my plans can keep me from skating.
Thursday nights are my red wine and old movie night. There's something very peaceful about watching an old movie and drinking a bottle of red wine. Most times, I'm fine with just one bottle (yes, you may call me a lush, if you wish). But I've been in a funk lately, and I just wanted to keep drinking, so I had a bottle of champagne after. This made me far too hungover to make it to skating Friday morning. 7am comes early, yo.
Saturday, I was a good girl. I showered early. I went to bed early. But ugh, insomnia from hell. Woke up around 3am with quite achy calves. This has been happening to me more frequently, often at night, thanksverymuch. I am good about stretching after each skating session, so I don't know what the issue is. I was still awake at dawn. Lovely. No way was I making the Sunday freestyle. I've skated before on very little sleep. It ain't pretty. I'm not a fan of wiping out simply because my limbs feel like jello.
Even though I don't normally skate on Tuesdays, I went today. And it cleared my head. I spent quite a bit of time working on bracket turns away from the boards. When I first learned these turns, I fell hard on my tail bone. Like, not able to move for minutes on end, staff walking out on the ice in sneakers, talk of calling an ambulance, type pain. I told them I was ok, just needed a minute. I was sore for days and days. Ever since, I work on these turns by the boards. But when I try to work on them away from the boards, it's a hot mess. I'm working on weaning myself off the psychological crutch of the boards. And today was a fairly nice success.
I've been thinking about adding a 4th practice day per week, anyway. Although I might make some of them a public session, to do some lap skating. Babbette over at The Ice Doesn't Care suggested this. Goodness knows, I could use some help with my power and stamina.
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