Thursday, April 14, 2016


A breakthrough! In more ways than one. I just decided to go out hooping today, free flow, feel the hoop. Doesn't matter what it looks like or how complicated the tricks are. Just dance. I mastered a few new tricks, discovered a love for movement with my hoop, and had a breakthrough with leg hooping.

New trick, a 360 weave. This was one of those where I watched and watched Deanne Love do it online, go outside, and think what the what? How does it go again? Finally got it.

And just leaving the camera rolling captured some quite amazing flow, given my beginner hoop status. You can see me working out what trick can come next, where my hand placement needs to be. I think it's all muscle memory from lots of practice, to make truly beautiful flow. I almost look like a beautiful hoop dancer. Fuck that. I LOOK like a beautiful hoop dancer!

I also stumbled upon a new trick during my flow. I dunno if this has a name or not. But I thought it was pretty cool. A weave into a toss.

Leg hooping. I discovered, instead of just trying to bounce back and forth with my knees, if I do a sort of swirling action with the bounce, it seems to work a lot better. I need lots more practice, but I had several attempts that looked pretty much like this. (My camera battery had died, and I wanted evidence of this, so I used my phone, propped up on the speaker.)


61 minutes and 569 calories burned later, I'm pooped. And happy.

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