My week has been...fickle.
Eclipse on Monday. Drove about 45mins south to see totality. So worth it. Hubs and I found a little church in this country town. We were by ourselves, no crowds. Laid some towels on the ground of the parking lot, watched with our special glasses. Then WOW! A total eclipse is breathtaking. We had just over a minute of full spectacular glory, before we had to put our glasses back on.
We were in a rural residential area and could hear a crazy guy at a house down the street shouting, the world is gonna end! Good times...
I started my period that same day, so I wasn't feeling lyra practice. But I went anyway that night. Boo. Lots of negatron voice. Lots of discouragement. Lots of despair.
Private lesson today...I asked my teacher for a pep talk as only she can give. She didn't disappoint. She showed me how to do ball inversion on silks. Something else I can add to practice, besides knotted straddle. I tried two or three times and couldn't. She kept reminding me to catch my foot on the silks to hold it, but I kept forgetting. She asked if I had it in me to try one more time. Of course. I tried really hard to remember to catch my foot on the silks and almost did but instead just ended up folding back into ball. I jumped, of course, but I did it. Without a hoop in the way, maybe I can work on the mechanics of inverting.
Then I learned a new pose. I requested this, had seen it online and thought perhaps I could learn it. My first try, I got about halfway. My second try, I got all the way up. Startled myself, as I wasn't expecting to get it so soon. Then she offered to take a photo. Ain't it pretty? When I found it, it was called standing bridge. But she calls it inverted prow.
Saturday is BEACH time! I see myself relaxing in the ocean, drinking adult beverages, with my favorite human.