Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Fundamediate Class

Lyra class last night was....interesting. The fundamentals teacher had an emergency. Instead of cancelling class, the intermediate teacher combined the two. There were four of us there for fundamentals and five for intermediate. The teacher lumped me in with the intermediate students. I basically had my first intermediate class.

New warmup. I rocked it. I mean, it has a pullover mount, and mine is still cheated. And then the dismount to shoulder lockoff, I cannot do. But otherwise, I did everything, I didn't do fewer reps of each exercise to make it easier. I rocked it.
This unit is about rolls. So we worked on mill circles and monkey rolls. Mill circles, I'm OK at. But how to make them more difficult, more fluid, by not looking down during the drop and keeping the legs straight. The aim is to flip back to seated in one motion, without much of a knee cinch at the bottom.
And then monkey roll. I literally just learned this last week at my private lesson. And by learned, I mean, was shown how to do it. I couldn't actually do it. This one is gonna take some practice. I couldn't get it last night, either. But inversions are the only thing I get upset over. Another student was struggling to get monkey roll, a legit intermediate student, she's promoted officially, and she's actually cussing and crying because she can't get this. Monkey roll. I shouldn't criticize someone upset over not getting a move, but I just can't see what the fuss is about. You've promoted. You can do your inversions. Everything else is just gravy. She looked young, tho, early 20s. Me and my 40 year old self.

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