Yesterday, I wasn't feeling well due to period issues. I decided the only workout I would do would be this video. I dunno, can you see improvement?
12/27/17 |
4/24/18 |
aspirations, inspirations, perspirations too
of a particularly moody hooper, aerialist, derby girl, figure skater
12/27/17 |
4/24/18 |
Played around with this fun sequence, I was on the low hoop though. And I love the compliment a friend of mine says as she sees me in shoulder stand pike. Warms my dark heart...
I totally should use this pose in my next photo pretty!
Highlight of the evening was momentum to ball, without cheating. Check it, I did not catch my foot on the hoop. I wonder if the size of this hoop helped. It's a 38" single tab.
And then a new transition. I've been working on monkey rolls but can't quite get them. The teacher had me do momentum to stag seated directly into a "half" monkey roll (single hip hang). It was quite fun.
Also worked on gazelle in stag position. It's weird keeping that front bent leg, but check out my ball inversion. I'm getting more consistent with crossing my feet...but I still don't fit all that well under the hoop.
Finally, some free time. I did an "easy" sequence that turned out rather pretty.
This unit is about rolls. So we worked on mill circles and monkey rolls. Mill circles, I'm OK at. But how to make them more difficult, more fluid, by not looking down during the drop and keeping the legs straight. The aim is to flip back to seated in one motion, without much of a knee cinch at the bottom.
And then monkey roll. I literally just learned this last week at my private lesson. And by learned, I mean, was shown how to do it. I couldn't actually do it. This one is gonna take some practice. I couldn't get it last night, either. But inversions are the only thing I get upset over. Another student was struggling to get monkey roll, a legit intermediate student, she's promoted officially, and she's actually cussing and crying because she can't get this. Monkey roll. I shouldn't criticize someone upset over not getting a move, but I just can't see what the fuss is about. You've promoted. You can do your inversions. Everything else is just gravy. She looked young, tho, early 20s. Me and my 40 year old self.
Here are some new things I've learned that are pretty. Shoulder stand pike. In this sequence. Video too large for blogger, so I loaded to youtube.
And splits behind with one hand. I meant to keep going in the above video but realized my hands were way too sweaty to attempt a one-handed anything. So I got down, re-chalked, and made this.
I think this warmup was instrumental in improving my profile straddle.
And then ball. This is the much higher hoop, so it's easier for me to get into position. Although this was the only successful attempt of the night. Others were the usual uncrossed feet and that awkward struggle to get one leg through then the next.
And then, some improvement on straddle back balance, felt more secure. I like the transition from shoulder stand into straddle back balance, but it felt even less secure than just sliding into it from seated. If ankle hang taught me anything, I'll get it eventually. I'm not so sure about inversions. But anything else, it'll just take awhile.