Friday, January 6, 2017

Back on the Track

Back on the track last night. Felt good. We've got annual re-assessments coming up, so we worked on a lot of those skills. Dammit, I have to do this again. I JUST did it. Oh well. My grapevines and shuffle steps, I'm the slowest of the slow. But at least coach kept repeating that speed isn't a factor, good form is all he's looking for. I just am amazed how much faster everyone is at these vs me.

27 laps as a pack. I do love this. It's intense, it's grueling. But it's comforting. I don't stress about the time, I just stay with the pack. I can't go any faster than the pack. If I struggle to keep up with the pack, they slow for me. Sometimes we hold hands. It's very kumbaya. We got 5:23.

Then we worked on weaving through cones. Man, this skill. I didn't pass it originally. I've been coming to all the fresh meat practices in December, still couldn't get it under 6 seconds. I tried it and got 6.29 seconds. Darnit. Coach gave me some tips on form, which I thought I was doing, obvs not. But I didn't argue. I'm working on that. They see what I don't. It doesn't matter that I was actively trying to do just that. I wasn't doing it. And there's no point in arguing or whining that, I'm trying! or any of that. Tried it again and was told I had much better form. But my time was 6.35 seconds. I'm slower! I was starting to get discouraged, trying hard to remind myself that I could offset this skill by kicking ass on other skills. I only needed an average score of 3.0. But I still...I wanted to get this. I tried one last time. I really focused on form, I tried to be fast, it didn't feel any different. My time was 5.87 seconds. WAHOO!

Working on leaning with a strong skater, she doesn't intimidate me as much. I've sort of figured out how to deal. I was really jostling, trying to get my shoulder in front, trying to step across her. I was successful once, very successful, and coach happened to be watching. It was like picture perfect derby. And he joked with me, remember a few months ago when you "couldn't do that." Yea, he's an asshole. Good thing he's a likeable asshole.

After practice, the captain wanted some of us to work on a new strategy, and I got roped in. I was tired. So we're mock scrimmaging, this ref is on the other team and goes in to hit me. I don't move. He says, you are a lot more solid. Thanks! We try the run through again, and again, he goes in to shove me out of the way, and I don't go anywhere. He stops and says, can I just say you are like 1000% more solid. It was nice to have someone pay such a compliment. He's good people.

Maybe I'll even roster a home game or two this season...

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