Monday, July 11, 2016

Three Hours

Sunday practice. It's three hours. THREE! I got overheated around the two hour mark, stomach felt hot, pukey. I was eyeing the trash bins, wondering if the urge hit, would I be able to skate over in time. I asked a fellow skater, is it bad if I need to sit out a drill? Will they get mad? She said nope, but they will check on me so don't get offended if they do. I just don't want to appear like I'm slacking. But I needed a break. I was THIS close to puking.

I slid back in toward the end of an endurance lap drill. And a couple more. Then scrimmage time. The irony? As I haven't passed assessments, I have to sit out the full on scrimmage drills. Aww, darn. /sarcasm. I welcomed the break. I was still a bit pukey. When (if) I pass assessments, I will not get to sit out. So I better enjoy it while it lasts.

It took me years to build up to tolerating a two hour practice. When I was a newbie years ago, two hour practices killed me. I had to take lots of breaks. Now, I feel pretty good about my two hour endurance. But three? yea, no. I can't hang.

What I remember about last night was I asked lots of questions, I felt solid in some things, sucky in others, but that's OK. I'm trying. I'm seeing progress, even if minuscule. And I'm, dare I say it, having fun.

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