oops. It's been ages since I've hooped. I'm still going to derby. Although I did skip last Thursday's practice. Boss came into town. I was expected to be in the office, an hour away, three days in a row. And by the third day, I just couldn't stick around uptown to head to practice. I came home. And crashed. I just live too far from anything to not be tired commuting every which way. It's why I no longer ice skate. I just live too far away.
The hoop thing, yea I'm a little ashamed. I've been trying to analyze why I've basically abandoned practice. That new hoop. I hate it. I hate that I bought it. I hate that it was such a cluster with color. Some of the tape is snagged, too. And especially because it's just too advanced a hoop for me. I never spent my birthday money from my mom, so a new hoop got purchased yesterday.
This one will be thicker, like the hoop I've been practicing with for a while. It's a control flex, 3/4" inside thickness. But this one is 40" in diameter. My previous hoop was 38". Again, I got ambitious. Ridiculous to think I was no longer a beginner. I'm a beginner.
Here's hoping my new hoop will re-energize me. I bought it from Canyon Hoops. I trust them. The last hoop I bought, with the cluster in color and snagged tape (she still hasn't sent me more tape like she promised she would), yea I won't buy from her again. Live and learn. Die and forget it all.