Friday, July 22, 2016

Patience & Goals

I went to derby practice last night, after Sunday's embarrassment. Arranged to meet my "big sister" beforehand. It was an awesome pep talk, full of honesty and sincerity. It really helped me brave practice. There is really no one who can prepare you for how much you'll suck as a new derby skater. I truly suck. I'm supposed to suck, so I've heard. But being out there feels a bit like being underwater. I can't breathe, my head is pounding, it's hard to understand what's happening because hello! I can't breathe. I just gotta be patient. I'll get better, it'll happen, it just takes time. A lot of time.

Big sister recommended I log my progress, a bit like what I'm doing with this blog. Kinda like one might log weights in a weight lifting program.

One skater last night told me I had really good footwork. That was nice. It perked me up a bit. Until I was thrown back in there. I started to feel some panic bubble up during this neverending jammer drill. The name says it all. And if you're the wall, there is no rest. I needed a moment. I had big sister's words in my head. I tried to get someone's attention with my index finger held up, just needing one moment. I buried my sweaty face in my towel and chugged some water. And got back out there.

And then my toe stop fell off during a drill.

No practice Sunday. The team has an away bout. Not sure what I'll do with myself with a whole Sunday off. I was thinking about what I could do to improve. At the very least, pass assessments. Those 27 laps in 5mins aren't gonna skate themselves. Maybe 3-4 days a week, add in a short run. And I mean short. Like warm up, run 5mins, cool down. I'm already lifting weights twice a week, doing things like deadlifts, bench press, and hip thrusts. Girl's gotta work her backside and upper body. I want to add timed pulse squats and planks. Squats are good, don't get me wrong. But I need help STAYING down. Pulse squats are the debil, but they work. And planks/side planks...all derby skaters need a strong core.

With all that, will I even have time/energy for hoop flow? We'll see...

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