Wednesday, January 10, 2018

One Lone Hoop

It's the end of an era. A short one but still an era. No more lyra classes at Pineville studio. However, my lyra teacher decided to leave one hoop there for practice time. This feels like it's special for me mostly...since I'm the primary person who was using the practice times there.

With only one hoop, that means one height. No varying heights. No low hoop to work on scarier stuff. My hope was it would be a good thing, no more being lazy and sitting in the low hoop to work on stuff that isn't still in that scary category, simply because I'm tired and don't want to mount a higher hoop.

And I was right. This is going to make me stronger. Whenever I want to work on something, I have to mount in some way. I was using my side mount a lot, which will mean vine climb gets stronger. And my other inversions should get stronger too. Because I'll just get stronger in general. Except ball. I don't think I'll ever get ball.

Something my teacher wants me to work on, to make single knee cinches harder. She's always challenging me, and I like it...even though I grumble. My single knee cinches are fairly solid, in that I can do them. But I can't hold them for very long. She wants me to simply increase the time I can hold it. I'm counting in my head, one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three one-thousand...and I'm done. She wants me holding it right up until about failure, so I sort of need my hands on the mat to assist me back in. My knee pits are super raw today. I did two rounds each side last night.

And then this! The scary thing! Clock splits. When that hoops starts to tilt upward, you feel it in your grip. Eep! And I've only ever tried this in a low hoop. And my favorite thing about this hoop is the easy dismount...negative pullup! I'm going to work on so many negative pullups this way. I mean, I should also work on proper dismounts. But negative pullups are something I need to work on too. (I also got a foot cramp...I'm really trying to keep my toes pointed in all things, even when I'm just goofing off. And my foot was feeling it by the end of the session.)

Et voila! Me and my hoop...

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