Saturday, October 10, 2015

New Hoop Woes

ah, the joys of a new hoop. And by joys, I mean frustrations. It's like re-learning everything! Even off-body as this hoop is thinner and way more whippy and much harder to control. The one thing I had going for me, my off-body tricks, now gone. I thought the bigger size would help with hip and chest hooping. Not so.

And forget vertical hooping. I'm ridiculous. I do not understand how to move my body properly to keep this spinning. I know I need practice. Lots of practice. But how does one even practice hooping if one cannot even get it around a second time? Will it just one day click, how I'm to move my body? Why is waist hooping SO EASY while the rest is so freaking difficult?

I feel like I look like those blow up dolls at car dealerships.

And the hoop is still yellow. And I'm still not liking the color. boo.

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