Friday, August 12, 2016

Power Jam

I absolutely did not want to go to practice last night. Nope. But I couldn't think of anything better to do. That's where my life is right now. Yep. So I went. I can't say it was earth shattering. I came close a couple times to losing it but managed to keep my cool, my breathing in check, my thoughts at bay.

Scrimmage again. I haven't passed assessments but whatever, right? One highlight, I saw a really good jammer coming, thought to myself, here goes nothing. I pushed my booty to the outside, tried to grab onto a teammate for leverage, out of the corner of my eye saw her fall out of bounds. I looked at her, she looked at me, it was a still moment of what the hell do I do now? She got up, I'm thinking, OK she needs to come in behind me, but before I could even mentally articulate whether I should pull the bitch move of skating backwards, she got onto the track and kept skating. huh? I'm so lost. Until I hear coach call her name, CUT! She cut the track on me. She thought I had gone out of bounds. To be honest, I was pretty sure I hadn't, but what the hell do I know? Yet. He said nope, not even close, I was in. Woot! Power Jam!

And then I fell on someone's skate wheel, like literally sat on it hard. I'm waiting for a delicious bruise to manifest on my ass. I'll be highly disappointed if it doesn't. I can't quite sit right on my left butt cheek. The only way that's worth it is if I get some badass bruise. Really, I skate derby for the bruises and to touch women. Oh, and it's quite exhilarating to be on skates. I miss ice, but any skate will do. Apparently.

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